A hub for
in the professional and collegiate sport industry.
The Professional Association of Athlete Development Specialists (PAADS) brings together sport leaders and organizations that are committed to holistic athlete development
Keeping up to date on the research and best practices for athlete development can be overwhelming when done alone. As part of a community focused on athlete development, you can keep learning and growing in a way that helps your athletes do the same.
By becoming a PAADS partner, you join yourself with the best athlete development specialists around the world in a supportive network dedicated to education, connection, and innovation.
our global partners
Choose the Membership that’s right for you
As the world’s premier athlete development network, we bring people and ideas together in an accessible global network of excellence. Working with major sports leagues, universities and colleges and like-minded individuals around the world, we ensure you are always at the cutting edge of innovation in athlete development.
Sports leagues and governing bodies with a demonstrated interest in athlete development
Universities with sports management or similar programs that provide coursework leading to a PAADS Athlete Development Specialist certificate
Player associations and similar organizations with a demonstrated interest in athlete development
Corporations, non-profit institutions, and other organizations with a demonstrated interest in athlete development
Individuals who work or aspire to work in the field of athlete development or with athlete development specialists
Be the first to know about job opportunities in Athlete Development!
Our members receive access to industry job listings from our global partners, and are notified by email when new jobs become available.
Member perks:
Monthly Webinars with special guests and new research!
*Board Members: vote on PAADS bylaws
*Global Partners: your organization or league pays a fee to be a part of PAADS and you registered your PAADS membership on behalf of your organization
*General Membership: you pay for an individual PAADS membership
The Value of Paads
PAADS equips its partners and members to create programs that better their organizations and have a measurable impact in their athletes’ lives.
Through education, networking, and forums for the exchange of ideas, PAADS members and partners are given opportunities to enhance both their professional skill and their reputation as elite athlete development specialists.
Here’s How
Athlete Development Summit (ADS)
The annual ADS provides athlete development specialists with the opportunity to hear from experts and to connect with other athlete development specialists from around the world, to share best practices and ideas related to athlete development.
Professional Level Certificate Program
In partnership with the University of Florida’s online Master’s Degree in Sport Management, PAADS offers a certificate program for entry-level or junior athlete development specialists and is seeking additional universities to partner with in offering this program.
Athlete development research symposium
PAADS continues to pursue an evidence-based approach to athlete development. To that end, we launched the Athlete Development Research Symposium. The symposium provides a forum for academics, students, and other researchers to share research and to interact with leagues, player associations, and professionals who regularly work in the field of athlete development.
what people are saying about the summit
Don’t miss your opportunity to attend our 2025 Summit - limited space is available!
What are Athlete
Development Specialists?
AD Specialists focus on creating opportunities for athletes to excel in their sport while mitigating the challenges and issues many aspiring elite or professional athletes face during their playing careers and after.
AD Specialists come from a wide range of educational backgrounds and athletic experiences. AD Specialists have degrees in Psychology, Business, Engineering, Social Work, Sports Management, and many more. AD Specialists also aren’t all former professional athletes. Many have played high school or collegiate level athletics and some have never participated in elite-level athletics.
The common denominator for AD Specialists is a desire to see athletes shine in all facets of their lives.
become a more complete specialist with support, expertise and education from a community of experts who share your goals.